Why Did Your Air Conditioner Compressor Stop Working?

Most home air conditioners have two components. The evaporator coil is located indoors, often above or next to your furnace. The compressor is located outdoors. Its job is to house the coolant and actually cool the air that cycles through the system. On occasion, an air conditioner's compressor will stop working. If this happens to you, the best thing to do is call an AC repair company. They'll figure out what's wrong, and then they'll usually be able to make some repairs and get your compressor working again. Here are some of the most likely culprits for AC compressor failure.

Refrigerant Leaks

The refrigerant inside your compressor is meant to expand, which makes it cool and allows it to absorb heat from the air circulating through the system. If there is a refrigerant leak, however, the coolant may expand too much and get too cold. This can cause the AC unit to freeze over, meaning it would become covered in ice and stop working. An AC contractor can tell whether you have a refrigerant leak by measuring the pressure of the refrigerant inside the coil. If they do suspect a leak, they can find it, patch it, and then add more coolant to the system.

Electrical Failure

Your AC condenser is an electrical instrument. If the connection between it and your home's electrical wiring is broken, it will stop working. It's possible that a rodent chewed some of the wiring, or even that the line became disconnected at the breaker box. Your AC contractor can test to see whether the compressor is receiving an electrical current. If it is not, they can then track down the problem and make repairs to the wires or circuit. In some cases, they may need to call in a specialized electrician to work with them on such repairs.

Blocked Suction Lines

Your compressor does give off some exhaust as it works. The lines that collect and discharge this exhaust are known as suction lines. If they become blocked, your AC compressor will generally turn off as a safety precaution. Luckily, it's quite easy for an AC contractor to unblock the lines and get things flowing again. Suction lines are inexpensive, so they might just replace your line rather than clean it.

Keep an eye on your AC compressor and make sure it is functioning properly. If it is acting strange in any way, or if it has stopped working completely, get in touch with an AC contractor near you for AC compressor repairs
