Is Your Furnace Down? Try These Expert Solutions To Get Your Heating System Back Up And Running

Did your heating suddenly stop working? Due to the low temperatures outside, furnace repair is more important than ever. Furnace repairs and maintenance should be a priority throughout the year. If your furnace isn't able to produce enough heat, it is time for some repairs. While some systems are easier to fix than others, it is best not to wait too long before reaching out to your HVAC specialist. The following expert solutions will get your furnace up and running again in no time:

Vents and Heat Exchanger

Clogged vents and exhaust pipes are a common problem with furnaces, and they can cause expensive damage if left unchecked. You should check to make sure all the vents of your heating system are open if there is an air circulation problem. If there is still a problem, it might be an issue with the exhaust pipe or heat exchanger. Furnaces use heat exchangers to transfer heat between the furnace and the air in your home. The flame inside the heat exchanger heats the air, which is then blown into your home. Various issues can cause the heat exchanger to not work efficiently, such as the blocked flame vents. Cleaning these parts can often solve the issue.

Thermostat Calibration

If your heating is cycling more frequently or not turning on when it should, you may need to calibrate your thermostat. For the most part, thermostats must be calibrated for them to work efficiently. This can be done by adjusting the setting on the thermostat to better match the temperature of the home and its heating system. If you notice that a lot of energy is being used compared to what you think it should be, then this likely means that your thermostat needs to be calibrated.

The Pilot Light or Thermocouple

The thermocouple is a safety device for furnaces and water heaters. It prevents the gas from igniting without it. If you turn your furnace on and nothing happens, there may be something wrong with the thermocouple or pilot light. Try to relight the pilot light, and if your furnace keeps turning off, the thermocouple probably needs to be replaced.

Internal Freeze-ups of the Furnace

If you're not sure why your furnace is down, it could be because of internal freeze-ups where the mechanical parts inside the system get frozen and stop functioning. This can be due to the furnace getting too hot and a sensor turning the system off. The cause of these problems can be due to issues with electrical components, bad sensors, and issues with other internal components that need to be repaired.

Heating repair services can help with a lot of the problems that you can't solve on your own. Contact a furnace repair service to get the help you need dealing with these issues.
