You May Be Wasting Heat In Your Home And Not Even Know It

Wasting heat is probably not a goal on your to-do list. However, if you are anything like the average homeowner, you may be wasting heat unknowingly. To keep your home comfortable throughout the winter season and to keep your heating costs manageable, learn about some of the things you can do beforehand to prevent wasted heat.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Do yourself a favor and install a smart thermostat. If you do not have this type of thermostat installed in your home, there is a chance that you are wasting heat. Cold temperatures are not consistent each day of winter or even throughout the same day. So, if you have a standard thermostat, you may be heating your home more than necessary. 

A smart thermostat gives you the opportunity to adjust the thermostat instantly as the temperature outside fluctuates, whether you are at home or away. As a result, you only heat your home to the level that is necessary, rather than wasting heat.

Do Not Overlook Gaps

It is equally important that you look around your home and take care of any gaps, such as those around windows and doors. These small openings might not seem like a big deal, but they are doing two things: letting the warm air in your home out and allowing the cold air from outside in. 

You need to seal up all these gaps to keep your home comfortable and minimize the risk of wasted heat. On a cold day, run your hand around the seals of the doors and windows in your home to see where the gaps are.

Remember Window Treatments

You will do yourself a huge favor by installing window treatments in your home. Sure, window treatments are primarily an aesthetic enhancement, but they also help minimize heat transfer. It does not matter how energy-efficient a window is — heat can still escape through the glass, which will result in wasted heat.

Window treatments, such as blinds and curtains, create a blockage that significantly minimizes the rate at which the heat is able to escape through the glass. In the summer, the treatments can also help reduce heat gain. No matter the season, window treatments can help you save on your HVAC costs.

Make sure you keep all of these tips in mind as you prepare to heat your home, and if you have additional concerns, do not hesitate to contact an HVAC technician for help.
